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Valhalla Atlantis Colin Falconer 9781621252740 Books

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Download PDF Valhalla Atlantis Colin Falconer 9781621252740 Books

THE APOCALYPSE IS NOW! “They set out that day to sail for Vinland. Tromdur Svensson planned to be away for just three years. How the gods were laughing at him, at all of them, on that day.” —from The Saga of Harold Half-Face 1000 AD. When the North Men from Ingolfsfell sail from their icy fjord in a single longboat, to establish a settlement across the great sea, they thought they would be gone for just three years. They had no name for the Atlantic then; and America they called ‘Vinland’, the place of meadows. But a storm takes them off course to an island even the legendary Leif Erikson had never seen. These natives are not savages in skins; and they do not build their homes from hides. They live instead in a great city, in the shadow of a looming volcano. And they do not hunt animals; they hunt men with white hair and blue eyes. Their gods come from the skies, and the Apocalypse is ... now. “There is a river that gives us life. You may dam it; you may swim against it. But in the end, it will flow to the sea, with or without you.” —from The Book of the Stars, a manuscript of unknown origin, written in Mayan glyphs circa 1000 AD and found in a Viking burial mound in Greenland, 2001

Valhalla Atlantis Colin Falconer 9781621252740 Books

I have just finished reading Valhalla Atlantis by Colin Falconer. It would not normally be the genre I would choose to read and I did read the first few pages a couple of times and thought “this is not for me” but then went back to it and when I eventually got beyond the first few pages I was hooked. Really enjoyed the book, as I was reading I felt as if I was actually in the place and time and was sad when I had finished it. Not a book to pick up, read for 15 min, put down, then pick up the following day, for me it is the type of book best enjoyed in long reading sessions…like being captive on a plane! However we all read differently.

Product details

  • Paperback 448 pages
  • Publisher Cool Gus Publishing (January 27, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1621252744

Read Valhalla Atlantis Colin Falconer 9781621252740 Books

Tags : Valhalla Atlantis [Colin Falconer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. THE APOCALYPSE IS NOW! “They set out that day to sail for Vinland. Tromdur Svensson planned to be away for just three years. How the gods were laughing at him,Colin Falconer,Valhalla Atlantis,Cool Gus Publishing,1621252744,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction - Science Fiction,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure
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Valhalla Atlantis Colin Falconer 9781621252740 Books Reviews

First of all, I must state that I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. Having said that, I must remark that the story is a very interesting concept linking Vikings and Caribs. Sounds weird? Well, it is not, plus we all know that Colin Falconer is an excellent story teller. I didn't give this book 5 stars because it needs very serious proofreading - there are way too many misspelled or joint words that truly interrupt the flow of the story. Unfortunately, I have noticed the same in several of Colin's works. The stories are good, but Colin needs to find good proofreaders.
I received a free electronic copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I am a long time fan of Colin Falconer. I particularly enjoy his historical stories. _Valhalla Atlantis_ is a history/what-if fantasy. Initially there are 2 main characters in vastly different locations. Tromdur is the eldest son of a Viking chieftain. She of the Sky is a shaman for her clan, a peaceful people who are also the favorite sacrifice of an Aztec like tribe living on an island called Axlantis. As the book progresses, these very different cultures all come together in a very exciting story.

I enjoyed Colin Falconer's tale of what might have happened if a Viking party landed on the shores of Atlantis. The imagination of what the culture of Atlantis might have been is an original take in this story. Generally one thinks of a Greco-Roman type culture. Colin Falconer's writes his Atlantis as an Aztec like culture, a violent tribe who believe in bloody sacrifices for their fire god.

My only negative would be the ending. It was left open and felt unfinished. Perhaps, Colin Falconer is considering a sequel as there were a number of unanswered questions at the end. Then again, we all know what happens to Atlantis according to legend. Perhaps, the ending does not matter so much since life on Atlantis will soon come to an end.
I won my copy of “Valhalla Atlantis” in a drawing from Colin Falconer’s website. He’s one of my favorite authors and I rank him quite high among today’s storytellers.

Norsemen grow lost in a storm and happen upon an Atlantis type island controlled by a fierce Mayan-like culture. The Mayans capture peaceful members of another tribe on the island for sacrificial purposes to their fire god, but the arrival of the Norsemen creates a perfect storm of conflict among all. I give no spoilers about the ending because that is a judgment each reader should make on their own. .

Falconer’s writing style puts the reader into the story. You see it about you, smell the jungle, feel the intensity of each character’s emotions, and without realizing when it happened, you are swept up in the tale, turning to the next page out of anxious curiosity. At first I wasn’t a fan of the movie-script manner in which Colin establishes his scenes in this particular book, yet oddly within several pages I was comfortable with it and paid no further attention.

I disagree with some reviewers that this is historical fantasy. It’s historical fiction. It’s a blend of history with a major ‘what if’ Norsemen came upon an island of Mayan culture. To me, fantasy is along the lines of elves and dragons. This novel certainly is far from that…and in time, history may well prove that Norsemen discovered such an island with Mayan-like inhabitants. Enjoy the tale for what it is—true reading entertainment. And if you like “Valhalla Atlantis,” be sure to check out other works by Colin. He’s a great storyteller, and to me, a superb author because he has the ability to write in a variety of genres, not just one as so many authors do.
I received a free Beta e-copy of ‘Valhalla Atlantis’ from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is another amazing book by Colin Falconer. This book is a little different from his other works and would probably be classified as historical fantasy. There is a little bit of everything in this story. The characters are fully developed each with their own unique characteristics and personalities. There are Norse men and women, gods, skraelings (? Mayan), and cannibals. The author writes of the supernatural with sorcery, visions, magic, a river of life, shape shifters, seers and a shaman. There is an erupting volcano, blood rituals and ceremonies, and sacrifice. The author skillfully scatters humor, romance, and darkness throughout the story that holds the reader’s attention until the very end in anticipation of what will happen next. The ending left me with many questions. Hopefully the author will continue the saga. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction with a peppering of fantasy.
I enjoy all of Colin Flaconer's books. This one is also a winner, but you have to let your imagination run with it.
Excellent, excellent, excellent novel. I couldn't put it down. Two of his other novels that I have read in the last 6-months were HAREM, and AZTEC and they were both the same way. I love the way this man writes.
I really liked the concept of this story and part of pretty good once it got started. It dwells way too long on the main characters brother and their uninteresting feud. It also needed proofreading and editing.
A pet peeve of main is things not being appropriate for the time period. A priest thinking his king is a "bench warmer." A Viking familiar with potatoes five hundred years before Columbus. Etc. It doesn't change the story but it's kinda jarring.
This is going to be a series but I think I'm through.
I have just finished reading Valhalla Atlantis by Colin Falconer. It would not normally be the genre I would choose to read and I did read the first few pages a couple of times and thought “this is not for me” but then went back to it and when I eventually got beyond the first few pages I was hooked. Really enjoyed the book, as I was reading I felt as if I was actually in the place and time and was sad when I had finished it. Not a book to pick up, read for 15 min, put down, then pick up the following day, for me it is the type of book best enjoyed in long reading sessions…like being captive on a plane! However we all read differently.
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